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Movie/Installation based on the walking experience in Berlin/Paris.
The projection on the paper wall want to transmit the experience of going throw an unknown city, the feeling of getting lost.


Through travel, we explore the mind, and through memory, we produce answers to what our origins are from the way old associations come up in relation to newly formed thoughts and possibilities. To Rebecca Solnit, an American writer, “The Path of Psychogeography” is about making the world while being in it, bearing witness to places and people who ultimately are fleeting, yet to our origins, they become a permanent fixture of being “monuments to our particular pursuits.”
This visualised stream of conscious came in the form of typing our thoughts on sheets of printer paper, which we pasted around the perimeter of Potsdamer Platz in Berlin and filmed the whole spectacle. The same method was used in Paris where the context generated a different experience. The final stage of the Fratellanza is a mapped paper wall installation, where the Paris and Berlin experience will be combined with the phrases and visualisations that Fratellanza believe are relevant.


Luis Cardel
Isabelle Hoonan
Francesca Villa

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